Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

It was a Sunday night on lock-down and i was looking for something to watch, I’d been through Netflix as we all do trying to find something which can take as long as it takes to watch a film!Netflix options were exhausted and nothing peaked my interest, So i was flicking through my phone on the Shudder app and came across an interesting Asian title called “0.0MHz”. And as you all know we love a good Asian horror over here so decided to give it a go.
The movie opens up with a ceremony outside a remote hut with the local villagers in attendance, They appear to be trying to eradicate a spirit that it seems to have caused a woman to hang herself in the cabin, This ceremony goes not as  planned  resulting in both of the people trying to rid the demon dead, In particularly gruesome ways.
Then we cut to a group of “Ghost Hunters” teenagers with a bit of knowledge and some equipment to be honest, The are called the 0.0Mhz club as that is the frequency where the spirits appear and cross over, Or something like that but you get the idea. As with all standard movie group of teens you have the couple,The geeky one, The weird one ETC. They load up the vehicle and stop off on the way to get supplies of food and Beer where they are warned by a local not to disrespect the dead basically do not have a party there,Do they listen? Of course not!!
They start their ghost hunt with drinks and piss taking but it all starts to go very very wrong, Surprisingly they all make it out and back to the vehicle, But have they done everything the should have to leave the spirit behind? Once again, Of course not!!!
So, You get the idea. It was i thought anyway great, Kind of seen it all before, The great long haired ghost is present as always and the settings and atmosphere is great, One part actually made me really jump! The only down side i would say i that some of the CGI is at time a little ropy but you can forgive that for the most part.
So, In summing up don’t expect anything too original but it does have some good twists and some genuinely creepy bits, Well worth a watch 0.0MHz is now streaming on Shudder.
Jonny T.

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