Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Hello Folks,
Whilst going through the international section on Netflix came across The Occupant, I had read about it and love the lead actor Javier Gutierrez so i decided to give it a go.
It tells the story of a failing Advertising executive who is looking for work but not much success, This ultimately leads to him having to move out of his beloved apartment with his wife and son in tow.
But what gives it a twist is that he still holds a key to his old apartment, He returns to spy on the new occupants then eventually lets himself back in whilst they are out, From here on in we see his mental state deteriorate as he slowly befriends the new owners without them having a clue of who he is or what the hell he has been up to in their absence
There are some real tense moments and even though you know what he is up to i personally felt some sympathy for him at first anyway!.   
He basically gets to know the young couple and manipulates them in i must say some very clever if horrible ways against each other, i shall say no more.
All i would say is watch it, I thought it was great, Javier is great and slimy horrible in equal measures, It’s got that feeling that it’s bound to be if already not remade for the Hollywood audience but please watch this version, It’s solid.
Jonny T.

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