Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

So,The Room starts off with a young attractive couple buy a remote house, They are decorating it when the man discovers a locked door hidden behind some wallpaper, He remembers he threw a similar looking key for the lock away earlier, He opens the door to an empty room, But then the lights starts to flicker, So hey guess what he calls a local electrician who comes and has a look, On leaving the electrician is surprised by the fact that the new owner doesn’t know the story of the previous owners being murdered! So from this brief description you get the idea right?
I have seen this plot a million times before as i’m sure many of you have, The only difference is that the room gives you anything you wish for, anything at all. That part of it peaked my interest for about 30 minutes but to be honest after that i just kept loosing interest, It’s an easy watch to be fair but honestly don’t expect anything groundbreaking or to be honest even remotely scary, The couple have the usual blazing rows whilst weird stuff is happening but for me the last half hour was so dull and by the time it finished i honestly couldn’t give a shit about the characters, I found them unlikable from the start!
So all in all, it’s not as bad as i am probably making it out to be for me it was terrible!
Jonny T

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