Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

In a world where streaming movies in HD is growing in popularity, it gets harder and harder to justify spending hard earned money on physical media. The fact is though that when done right, nothing makes a movie look or sound better on Blu-ray, so we bring you The Digital Dread Report to help you figure out what’s worth buying, and what you’re better off streaming.

The releases of the 2-Disc version of Synapse’s gorgeous new Suspiria disc; Arrow giving us two new editions of the Romero classics The Crazies and Season of The Witch; a kick-ass documentary about the making of Pet Sematary; Guillermo del Toro’s Oscar-winning The Shape of Water; and the release of Justice League (if that’s your thing) make this week a challenging one for any movie lovers wallet.

Be sure to click the pics below to buy the movies, or even rent them. Or both. Or neither. It really depends on your mood, now doesn’t it?

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