Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Even though Kelsey Mann and the Pixar crew ended up with just four new emotions, also cutting characters like Guilt and Jealousy (which feels like it probably evolved into Envy), there’s at least one element of one of the axed emotions that still made it into the movie. Mann explained:

“The baggage that Anxiety has came from Guilt. Remember the nine? Guilt was one of ’em. Actually, I wanted a giant luggage cart like at a hotel. You know, when you go to Disneyland, you got all your kids’ stuff, it is just filled with luggage, and they’re like, “Whoa!” Joy kinda slammed into that, and they’re like, “Whoa, what the? Whose is this?” And then this little character came out, and he was like, “Hi, I’m Guilt. Sorry, I got a lot of baggage.” It was such a good gag, and then we ended up cutting Guilt, ’cause it didn’t really add to the story. [But I thought,] ‘Oh, I think Anxiety’s got a lot of baggage too.’ And so we gave her all the baggage. That’s in the teaser.”

It’s probably for the best that “Inside Out 2” only has four new emotions. After all, there are a couple other key characters who are introduced in the movie that aren’t emotions, so limiting the number of new emotions feels like a smart decision in order to avoid losing control of the narrative. However, production designer Jason Deamer (a character designer and art director on films like “WALL-E” and “Ratatouille”) was apparently a little miffed about a certain character being cut. During his presentation, Deamer accidentally included some older production art that included a character we hadn’t met in any of the footage shown to us. When asked about the character, Deamer candidly responded:

“That’s a really interesting story that I’m not allowed to tell, unfortunately. Trust me, it pissed me off.”

Even after we pressed for details on the emotion in question, which looked like it possibly could have been Schadenfreude, Deamer couldn’t provide any more details. So maybe that’s something we’ll learn about after the movie is released. 

However, there is one additional emotion you’ll meet in an amusing little gag in the first act of the movie, but we’ll let you discover that one for yourself when “Inside Out 2” hits theaters on June 14, 2024.

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