Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

So far, The Power has revealed some crucial information about the new abilities teenage girls are receiving. The show has only aired three episodes, but all the main characters have been revealed, along with the circumstances that have caused their new powers. The ability to control electricity seems to be connected to the girls becoming women and coping with the way the world treats women. The series also follows various girls’ unique situations with discovering their powers and learning to cope with them. Unfortunately, each girl has at least one situation where things go badly because of their new electrical ability.

Allie, who’s the only girl to hear a voice speaking to her about her powers, is sexually assaulted by her adoptive, religious father. This causes her to kill him with her powers in self-defense. Jos is angry and resentful toward her politician mother, who is currently realizing how unfairly women are treated in politics, and Roxy is dealing with anger toward her illegitimate father and her mother’s murder after two men broke into their home. While there are still things The Power hasn’t covered when it comes to the girls’ abilities, it has given a lot of information in its first three episodes.

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6 Teen Girls Get Their Electricity Powers First

The Power reveals teen girls are getting their powers before the older women. This is likely because their age is a transition period from a young girl to a woman. As children, girls are usually unaware of the sexism that exists in the world, and while there are still dangerous stereotypes put on them, most sexism occurs during adulthood. During puberty, girls see their childhood ripped from them as they begin to appear more mature and are treated like women by society. In The Power, their new abilities are part of growing into women, which makes society see them as a threat.

Related: Why Do Some Women Control Lightning Before Others In The Power?

In the book, the girls ultimately help the older women tap into their powers. However, the Prime Video series has only briefly touched on this. The show is already making changes from the book, it’s possible this aspect may be changed slightly. As of now, all that’s clear is that teenagers gain their power first.

5 The Government Wants To Cover Up The Girls’ Power

The Cleary-Lopez family in The Power

While Jos’ mother, Mayor Margot Cleary-Lopez, wants to get to the bottom of what’s happening to teenage girls and help them, the rest of the government is set on denying the occurrences. At the start of The Power episode 3, a plane crashes, and Margot discovers a girl on board transferred her powers to a flight attendant, which caused an electrical malfunction resulting in the plane crash. When Margot tries to discuss the matter with Governor Daniel Dandon, he already knows about it and doesn’t want to share the information with the public. He also reveals politicians in Washington know what’s going on too.

Margot goes on to warn citizens about the girls’ new powers while other politicians go on television, calling it a hoax to avoid alarming the public. Meanwhile, in Moldova, president Viktor Moskalev responds to a series of fires, blaming young girls for starting them and calling them terrorists. It’s unclear how much Viktor knows about the girls’ powers, but he’s set on villainizing the young girls instead of approaching the situation like Margot is by pushing the importance of understanding what is happening to their bodies.

4 The Girls’ Circumstances Trigger Their Powers

Allie at the aquarium in The Power

One of the most obvious reasons for the girls recognizing their powers is the circumstances they’re in. All the main female characters are dealing with something that triggers their anger and resentment and pushes them to stop being victims by fighting back against people with more power than them. For Allie, it was her father. For Roxy, it was her illegitimate dad and the men who broke into her home. For Jos, it’s her moms’ political career. The other girls around the world haven’t revealed what inspired their powers yet, but as the series goes on, there will likely be more stories.

3 The Powers Will Change The World

Allie, Roxy, and Jos in The Power

In the book, the story is written by a man named Neil Adam Armon, living in a matriarchal society in the future. It’s a fictional story about how the matriarchal society came to be. This hasn’t been featured in the series yet, but what has been teased is how the girls’ powers will change the world seemingly from a patriarchal society to a matriarchal one. The voice Allie hears tells her this when she’s in the middle of a field feeling hopeless. Allie questions why something like this is happening to her, and the voice tells her, “the world is in need of a revolution.”

The voice then tells Allie, “you are going to be its voice. A better future is in your hands.” In the book, Allie becomes a religious leader named Mother Eve, who teaches her followers that God is a woman. This scene suggests the show is following this storyline, and the girls’ powers aren’t just impacting their lives but the entire world too. Because of their electrical abilities, the world will never be the same.

2 The Electricity Powers Have Been Around For Years

Tatiana in The Power

A flashback at the start of The Power episode 2 suggests that while the powers might just be coming to light, they are nothing new. The series hasn’t revealed much about the character Tatiana Moskalev yet, only that she is Vikor’s wife and has a tumultuous relationship with her mother. However, a flashback to 1999 reveals she was a gymnast as a teenager, and her ambition and belief in herself rubbed her mother the wrong way because she wanted her to appeal to the public by being a stereotypical nice and humble girl. The flashback is triggered when Tatiana sees a young girl with a mark on her face.

In The Power, the mark is appearing on girls who are developing electrical powers, and Tatiana seems to recognize it. There’s also a moment in the present day after she speaks to her mother where her hands are shaking as she touches her face, and for a moment, it seems like electricity might come out of her fingers like the teenage girls are experiencing. Nothing happens, but the flashback scene resembles the introductions that reveal the other girls’ powers, and it seems Tatiana may have experienced the same power when she was a teenager. This will likely come out as the series goes on.

1 Girls All Over The World Are Discovering The Power

Jos in cuffs in The Power

What’s fascinating and what’s scaring politicians into claiming the powers are a hoax is they aren’t happening to just girls in a certain part of the world. If that were the case, there would be ways to cover it up or link it to something like the water in that area. In The Power, girls all over the world are experiencing electrical abilities. It’s happening to Jos in Seattle, Allie in Alabama, Roxy in London, girls in Nigeria, and all over the fictional Carpathia. Since it’s not exclusive to one area, it’s clear the powers will have a massive impact on society, and the rest of The Power will showcase this.

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