Thu. Sep 19th, 2024


Ahh yes the lyrics are from the incomparable 80s band The Go-Go’s. 

I saw them in concert years ago, such a good time… but for me. I was not lying when I said that I have not had a real vacation in 7 years. (I’ve traveled – for work, for a funeral and personal things) But to get away….nope. Not even a long weekend. I grind day in and day out and to get away, wow… I need to do that more often. Especially when my phone goes off and I can’t be reached via text or call (I was on a boat – what can I say)… 

So for the vacay we decided to do it up right – thanks to some amazing people in our life (and who have left us), we did something we normally wouldn’t and took a 4day/3night Disney cruise along with a day before and after the journey at Disney (not the parks but the hotels). And let me tell you – I’d like to get another journey before 7 years from now.

Disney really knows how to do things right!

Even just arriving on the boat, they welcome EVERY family to the boat and the grand hall.

Insert Video

Although I was on vacation….I could not miss the chance to see Deadpool & Wolverine onboard a cruise ship at nearly just before 11pm. I left my family behind, bad dad, who were off to bed and headed down the hallways of the Disney WISH to find the Walt Disney Theater (One of multiple spots to see a flick on the boat). After making it through the person checking id and companions at the door, I sat down to enjoy. 

And enjoy I did. There was something a bit unique, odd and quite refreshing about seeing Deadpool crack jokes at Disney’s expense … on a Disney ship. Although the seat was a bit uncomfortable for 2 hours, the sound was sublime. I loved the experience and I would do it again. 

Not only that, but the film is more of the same we’ve come to expect from Mr. Pool and I was and still am right there for it.

But this was just day one of a journey onboard the Wish…the rest … well we will just leave at this. Delicious food, excellent productions (that were marred by technical difficulties), lots of fun at sea and at Castaway Cay (Disney’s Island) and fireworks at sea! Plus lots and lots of your favorite Disney characters.

Here are just some photos of the characters we met onboard the ship. Smaller crowds than you would fight to get pics at the theme parks and every last character made my daughter and all of the families feel like they were princesses and princes themselves

I thought I would also share some truly recognizable characters from the Disney Springs drone show back on land in Orlando. I recommend heading there for this free show….but let’s be honest – you’ll be buying things at the shops at the Springs, so you will be able to give things back for the free show.

I think I need to be these vacation things a bit more frequently in the future.

Pick Up the Vacation CD from the Go-Go’s Store by clicking
on the image. (PS I get nothing from that click…but the Go-Go’s do – or so I think so.)

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By admin

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