Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Bayview Entertainment journeys down under for the May
30 Blu-ray debut of writer/director Addison Heath’s
My Cherry
— with co-direction by Jasmine Jakupi.

Dumb as a bag of hammers.  That perfectly describes what Freddy (Sotiris
Tzelios) and his two partners — Jack (Dylan Heath) and Green (Tim Jason Wicks)
— in crime are.   Freddy just gets out of prison and there his
buddies are to meet him.   See the sights
of Melbourne?   A nice homecoming celebration
dinner?   Drink at a nearby pub?   No, let’s go on crime spree!

Of course, that goes south — but the drugs were good
— and the trio take it in the lamb to the outback, where they breakdown (maybe
drugs are bad after all).   Freddy, Jack
and Green have clearly never seen
Wolf Creek, Razorback or even
Road Games
nothing good happens in the outback down under.

But wait, Edwin Crow (Glenn Maynard), a denizen of the
wastelands — locally known as Pleasant Creek — happens by and offers to
help.  Get your car towed in the morning
mates, a hot meal and you can spend the night we me and my niece, Cherry (Trudi
Ranik —
Good Girl Lola), at
the rundown hospital that we call home.  
Who could say no to that!

DVD & Blu-ray Release Report, Ralph Tribbey

Let’s recap.  
Criminals stranded in the outback.  
Help from a local, who lives in an abandon hospital (was it mental?).   Who has a niece named Cherry — Cherry Pie
that is — who may or may not be what she seems to be, but she can certainly dance.  

Oh, one more thing, there is a maniacal killer on
the prowl by the name of “Crowface,” who apparently had something to do with
the hospital when it was up and running.  

Check out My Cherry
on Blu-ray from Bayview Entertainment on May
30 if Razorback and Wolf Creek bring back “happy” memories!  It is not just another direct-to-video slasher
flick, but one that played the festival circuit, pulling in wins at A Night of
Horror International Film Festival and the Independent Horror Movie Awards …
among others.  


DVD & Blu-ray Release Report, Ralph Tribbey


DVD & Blu-ray Release Report, Ralph Tribbey



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