Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Hello All,

It’s been a while to say the very least! Since we were here last the world has indeed gone completely insane, I was saying to Big Man Gav the other day (From a safe distance!) It’s like every film we’ve ever seen on the subject but it’s actually happening, We know how to be prepared for the zombies but the boredom is a whole new level, On a serious note though folks i hope you and your families are all keeping safe and as well as can be and you yourselves are being sensible and keeping away from people, If any of you want a chat about anything or any help just hit me up on Facebook and i’d be happy to oblige.

I’m going obviously like you to be watching a ton of stuff over the next few weeks so i’ll review all that i can, Starting with today’s watch The Hunt.

So i’d seen quite a lot of hype lately about The Hunt and a poster with a pig and lot’s of quotes about how violent it is,So it was time to check it out.
It starts off on s  1st class plane when one of the “Passengers” from the back of the plane is said to have woke up early, This is swiftly dealt with in a very violent manner,Next cut to a field where there a number of people with gags locked into their mouths and a mysterious wooden crate. It’s revealed what is in the large crate and then the bullets and everything else starts flying, it seems that The Hunt is on! 

And that is pretty much it as regards plot line, Characters last about as long as they do in a Game Of Thrones episode, Dispatched on both sides with every increasing shocking deaths,
It does have political and social undertones and commentary running throughout but never goes too deeply into them to turn it into just that kind of movie, Quite a short running time that seemed to me to drag out a bit near the end, Especially the long They Live grilled cheese sandwich fight.
In summing up i found it great fun in all, A good Saturday night/Sunday afternoon easy watch, Don’t believe the hype too much i would say, Just stick it on and turn your brain off from all the crap in the world at the moment and have a blast.
Stay Safe all!
Jonny T.

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