Warning! Contains spoilers for Nightwing 2024 Annual #1!


  • Moby Dick
    ” is the spy agency code name for Ric Grayson in
    Nightwing 2024 Annual
  • The code name captures Nightwing’s dual identity and ties to Blüdhaven.
  • Spyral’s mission name shows deep connections to Nightwing’s character and history.

Nightwing has had a few different names over the years, including Dick Grayson, Nightwing, Ric, Ravager, and of course, Robin. But Spyral’s newly revealed mission name for Ric Grayson has to be one of the funniest and most thematically fitting for the Ric era, especially since it’s used by his mysertious ex-girlfriend, Bea Bennett.

The hilarious code name for Dick Grayson was revealed in Nightwing 2024 Annual #1 by Travis Moore. When Nightwing’s ex-girlfriend, Bea Bennett — who is revealed to be a Spyral agent in this very annual — is assigned to watch over Ric Grayson, she refers to him as “Moby Dick.” It’s a cute code name for numerous reasons, least of which because of the reference to Herman Melville’s classic novel, Moby Dick.

The easiest reference is in “Dick” being shared with both Moby Dick and Dick Grayson’s name, but the code name has even deeper connections than that, including Blüdhaven’s history as a whaling town. These connections make “Moby Dick” the perfect spy name for Nightwing — which is to be expected from Spyral, one of the biggest intelligence agencies in the DC Universe.

Bea Bennett was co-created by Travis Moore and Benjamin Percy, and though she debuted in 2018’s
#50, only in the past year has she gotten a radically new origin story, as fully expanded upon in Moore’s
Nightwing 2024 Annual



10 Years Later, Nightwing’s Gold Batsuit Is Still the Dark Knight’s Coolest Alt-Costume

Nightwing has donned Batman’s cape and cowl several times. However, his Earth-2 Batsuit is by far the coolest iteration of the Dark Knight’s costume.

Spyral Gave Ric Grayson the Secret Code Name “Moby Dick”

“Ric Grayson” Was One of Nightwing’s Most Controversial Eras

Comic book art: Nightwing and Ric Grayson in DC Comics

Nightwing has a complicated history with Spyral, having infiltrated their ranks after the events of Forever Evil. At that point in DC’s history, everyone thought Dick Grayson was dead. Batman felt this provided the perfect opportunity for Dick to infiltrate a mysterious organization that Batman had been made aware of: Spyral, a major spy group in the DCU that had been gathering information on the superhero community. Dick was willing to help Batman out, but he didn’t stay in the organization forever — and he never knew that Bea was trained by the same group.

Bea’s call-in to Spyral is a small throwaway line, but the ”
Moby Dick
” code name really does capture who Nightwing is from every side.

While the name comparison between Dick Grayson and Moby Dick is obvious, the other big part of the name is Dick Grayson’s connection to Blüdhaven. Blüdhaven is the city that Dick Grayson has sworn to protect and has spent the last several decades in. Blüdhaven’s primary source of income was once whaling. Being located right next to the ocean, the citizens of Blüdhaven would hunt whales constantly in order to sustain their economy. As funny as it is, Moby Dick is therefore the perfect code name for Dick Grayson, as it encapsulates both sides of his identity.

“Moby Dick” Perfectly Captures Nightwing’s Dual Life

Nightwing’s Identity Is Tied to Blüdhaven

Comic book art: Nightwing poses with escrima sticks above a shor of Bludhaven.

Bea’s call-in to Spyral is a small throwaway line, but the “Moby Dick” code name really does capture who Nightwing is from every side — which is to be expected from a major spy agency like Spyral. They’ve spent years gathering information on the superhero community, so it’s no wonder that their mission name for watching over Ric Grayson makes note of who he truly is, on both sides. So, while Dick Grayson has had countless names and identities over the years, the most surprisingly succinct name for Nightwing was the literary reference to Moby Dick.

Nightwing 2024 Annual #1 is available now from DC Comics!


Nightwing 2024 Annual 1 Main Cover: Bea Bennett stepping forward in front of two images of Ric Grayson and Nightwing.

  • Writer: Travis Moore
  • Artist: Travis Moore
  • Colorist: Ivan Plascencia, Alex Guimarães
  • Letterer: Wes Abbott
  • Cover Artist: Travis Moore, Tamra Bonvillain


Nightwing is the superhero moniker given to various vigilante heroes in the D.C. universe. Nightwing is depicted as a warrior who fights from the shadows, utilizes near-superhuman agility and expert combat skills, and tends to have several tools at their disposal. Though Nightwing began with Kal El/Clark Kent, Nightwing has since been primarily associated with Dick Grayson, a former Robin who grew into the new role.

Created By
Edmond Hamilton , Curt Swan , Marv Wolfman , George Perez

Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, Power Girl, Chris Kent

Teen Titans, Titans, Outsiders, Justice League, Batman Inc., Birds of Prey, Young Justice

Human, Kryptonian

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