Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

October 20, 2023 11:13 am


Tibetan sky burial, also known as “jha-ator” or “dorji-pupa” in Tibetan, is a unique funerary practice that is commonly performed in Tibetan Buddhist regions and among some other Himalayan communities. This tradition involves the dissection of a deceased person’s body and the offering of the remains to vultures and other scavenging birds. Here are some key aspects of Tibetan sky burial:

    1. Spiritual Beliefs: Tibetan Buddhists believe in the cycle of life and death, and they see the body as an empty vessel after death. They believe that by offering the deceased’s remains to birds, the soul can be released from the body and continue its journey in the cycle of reincarnation.
    2. Environmental Considerations: The harsh terrain and high-altitude conditions in Tibet make traditional burial and cremation difficult. The practice of sky burial is practical and environmentally friendly, as it reduces the need for firewood (for cremation) and land (for burial).
  1. Ritual Process: The process of a sky burial typically begins with a lama or monk conducting a ceremony, reciting prayers, and blessing the deceased. The body is then dissected by designated individuals, often called “rogyapas” or “body breakers.” They cut the body into smaller pieces, mix it with barley flour and other substances, and leave it out in the open for scavenging birds to consume.
  2. Vulture Conservation: In some areas, efforts are made to protect vulture populations, as they play a crucial role in the sky burial process. Vulture conservation programs have been established to ensure an adequate supply of vultures for these rituals.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity: While sky burial may seem unusual to outsiders, it is an important cultural and religious practice for Tibetans and should be treated with respect. Visitors to Tibetan regions should exercise sensitivity and refrain from taking photographs or interfering with the ritual.
  4. Alternatives: In more urbanized Tibetan areas, where traditional sky burials may not be feasible due to regulations and cultural changes, alternative methods such as cremation or burial in designated cemeteries are becoming more common.

Sky burial is a fascinating aspect of Tibetan culture and spirituality, and it is a testament to the diverse and unique practices found within different religious and cultural traditions around the world.

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This post was written by Nadia Vella

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